Privacy & Cookies Policy

Privacy policy statement

Privacy policy statement in accordance with Section 13 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of June 30 2003, “Personal data protection code”.
The purpose of this web Privacy Statement is to specify the various categories of information collected by ASA DENTAL Spa when a user enters the website and and to explain how these data are processed by ASA Dental.

The statement is associated with the following points as far as the processing of data collected on the website is concerned:

Point (a): Websites being within the scope of the statement
This Privacy statement sets out the conditions for collecting and using data on the websites and
These sites are controlled and managed by ASA Dental S.p.A., as Data Processing Controller, in accordance with the Law n. 675 of December 31 1996 on the Protection of People and Other Entities in terms of Personal Data Processing and with Legislative Decree no.196 of June 30 2003: “Personal data protection code”.

Point (b): Collected information
The information that can be collected on a website usually belong to these categories: “Information allowing personal identification” (Personal Data) and “Information not allowing personal identification”.

  1. Personal data may include name, address, telephone number, email address, job, etc., i.e. information necessary to conclude agreements and contracts: This information is collected by ASA Dental S.p.A. offline, through direct contact with the Customer.
  2. Information not allowing personal identification is the information that does not allow to specifically identify the user. This type of information may include: “Uniform Resource Leader” (URL) of the website previously visited; web pages visited within the site; the URL entered afterwards; the browser used to access the website; the visitor’s Internet Protocol (IP) address; each search word that was entered.

Furthermore, this statement includes further details on how cookies and other technologies for data collection are used.
Personal data and information that do not allow personal identification are not interconnected.

Point (c): Purpose of data collection
The main purpose of collecting data is to provide Customers with better services and to allow all visitors to browse the website in an easy, efficient and customized way.
For example: if information is requested or suggestions are provided through the website, personal data are used to compile orders or provide the necessary information. Information that does not allow personal identification is used on an aggregate basis so as to analyze Customers’ behavior, understand how visitors use the website and evaluate users’ interest in the different pages. This allows improving the content of the site, browse the site more easily and display personalized advertising (if any).

Point (d): Use of information
The abovementioned information is collected and used in different ways:
As far as browsing is concerned: information that does not allow personal identification is collected when visiting the Website or when clicking on advertising messages of ASA Dental S.p.A. products or other items; these data are collected to manage the website more efficiently, to have comprehensive demographic information, to monitor the level of activity on the Site and to assess the effectiveness of promotional announcements and/or advertising.
As for surveys, opinion polls and/or votes: filling out questionnaires, participating in votes or participating in opinion polls implies the collection of personal data. Data are used to improve products and services.
Newsletters, promotional emails and/or communications: the personal data of the person making a subscription request to the newsletter or to promotional emails as well as other information necessary to meet the request.
Contacts: if the Site contact form is used to send communications or remarks, a registration including personal data may be archived in a specific file. These data are used to provide a better service if the user contacts the Site again.
If the email is used, on an optional and voluntary basis, to send communications as Customer or if the mail forms on the website are filled in, the sender’s email address is inevitably registered and, therefore, all data mentioned in emails are acquired, too. These data, though, shall be used only to reply to the requests.

Point (e): Information sharing
If ASA Dental S.p.A. asks third parties to provide services on its behalf, ASA Dental S.P.A. will ask them to respect the provisions of this web privacy statement.
ASA Dental S.p.A. may need to disclose its Customers’ personal data because of judicial inquiries or in order to comply with legal obligations.
ASA Dental S.p.A. reserves the right to report any activity that is deemed illegal to judicial authorities. Furthermore, ASA Dental S.p.A. may disclose personal data whenever this may be reasonably necessary to implement its General Conditions for the Supply or to protect their own or other people’s rights, property and safety.
ASA Dental S.p.A. and all related companies may merge or be acquired, wholly or partially, by another company. In this case, personal data will be shared between the companies of the group so as to continue providing the users of the Site with the same services, causing the least possible inconvenience to them.

Point (f): Use of “cookies” in the website
See below.

Point (g): Use of research companies and/or advertising agencies
Some pages of the Site may contain electronic images known as web “beacons” or “single-pixel GIFs”, belonging to advertising agencies or research companies. Web “beacons”, that exploit the cookie technology, allow these companies to carry out aggregated statistics about how Users use the Site and to assess the effectiveness of advertisements. Personal data are not collected nor shared through the Site beacons and the collected information does not allow to identify the Site’s users. Data are collected exclusively to be used by ASA Dental S.p.A. for marketing and research purposes.

Point (h): Link to other websites
The site contains links to third-party websites so as to facilitate users’ navigation and information. When the user clicks on them, he/she leaves the website (or .net) and accesses another website. In this case, the user must remember that, even though the website displays our logo, ASA Dental S.p.A. does not control the contents of the other website and is therefore not responsible for its privacy policy. So, it is recommended to carefully analyze the privacy policy of any site visited.
This privacy policy statement does not extend to the websites linked to the Site (or .net), which can send their cookies to users, collect data or ask for personal information.

Point (i): Changes to the statement
In the event of changes or integrations, ASA Dental S.p.A. updates this privacy policy statement so that the user can always be aware of which information is collected from the web, of how it is used as well as always knowing the options available. Therefore, users are kindly requested to read this page before using the Site.

Point (l): How to contact ASA Dental S.p.A.
Any question or remark about how ASA Dental S.p.A. uses users’ information or about this web privacy policy statement can be sent to
The concerned party can exercise his/her rights in accordance with Section 13 of Law No. 675/96, or with Section 7 of Legislative Decree No. 196 30 June 2003, by contacting the Company by email (at the abovementioned email address), or fax (n. 0584-938084).
As for the right to have access to personal data and other rights, Section 7 of Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30 June 2003 is taken as reference. For the sake of users’ convenience, the Section is reported below:

Legislative Decree No. 196/2003, Section 7 – Right to Access Personal Data and Other Rghts

  1. A data subject shall have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him exist, regardless of their being already recorded, and communication of such data in intelligible form.
  2. A data subject shall have the right to be informed:
    1. a. of the source of the personal data;
    2. of the purposes and methods of the processing;
    3. of the logic applied to the processing, if the latter is carried out with the help of electronic means;
    4. of the identification data concerning data controller, data processors and the representative designated as per Section 5, paragraph 2;
    5. of the entities or categories of entity to whom or which the personal data may be communicated and who or which may get to know said data in their capacity as designated representative(s) in the State’s territory, data processor(s) or person(s) in charge of the processing..
  3. A data subject shall have the following rights:
    1. to obtain updating, rectification or, where interested therein, integration of the data;
    2. to obtain erasure, anonymization or blocking of data that have been processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which they have been collected or subsequently processed;
    3. to obtain certification to the effect that the operations as per letters a) and b) have been notified, as also related to their contents, to the entities to whom or which the data were communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort compared with the right that is to be protected..
  4. A data subject shall have the right to object, in whole or in part:
    1. on legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, even though they are relevant to the purpose of the collection;
    2. to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, where it is carried out for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or else for the performance of market or commercial communication surveys.

Cookies policy

The software applications used to run this website can contain “cookie” technology. Cookies are mainly used to help users navigate their websites efficiently. Cookies may provide information about website navigation and enable the provision of certain services that require the identification of the user path profile through the navigation pages on the Website. Regardless of whether or not cookies are present, whenever you access the portal, the type of browser, the operating system (e.g. Microsoft, Apple, Android, Linux, etc.), the host and URL of the visitor as well as the data on the requested page are recorded. The User may set his browser to warn of the presence of cookies, allowing the user to decide whether to accept the cookie or disable it. More details about cookies can be found on the websites of each browser provider.

What are cookies?
Cookies are strings of small text files stored on the user’s computer when accessing particular internet pages. On most browsers cookies are enabled; below is useful information for changing the cookie settings on the browser. Cookies are not harmful to the device. The cookies we generate do not store the personal identification details of users, but only use the information to enhance usability of the website. For example, they are useful to identify and resolve errors on the website.
Cookies can have various functions, such as to enable efficient browsing between the various pages and provide an improved overall browsing experience for the user. The Data Controller shall, subject to the user’s consent, be entitled to use cookies where permitted by applicable laws and regulations, in order to facilitate browsing of this website and personalize the information that appears. Moreover, the Data Controller shall be entitled to adopt similar systems to gather information on the website users, such as on the type of internet browser or operating system used for statistical or security purposes.

Types of cookies
There are two types of cookies “session cookies” and “persistent cookies”: once downloaded, the first type is deleted from the cache when the user closes the Browser; whereas, the second type are stored until they expire or are deleted. The session cookies used are only intended to analyze Internet traffic data and facilitate access to the services offered by the website for users. Session cookies are mainly used for login, authorization and browsing the services accessible via registration. Most browsers are set to accept cookies. Alternatively, it shall be possible to select the appropriate computer settings to block cookies or to post a notice when cookies are stored. Where the user blocks cookies, it is likely that certain site features will not work properly and some services will not be available. The use of session cookies is strictly limited to the transmission of session identification details, required to allow safe and efficient browsing of the website. This data is technical in nature, has temporary validity and is not stored with the purpose of identifying users; however, because of how they function and in combination with other data held by others (for example, the Internet service provider of the Data Subject), they could allow identification. The first type of Cookies are only legible by the domain which created them First-party cookies can be read only by the domain name that generated them.

Which cookies do we use?

Cookies that are strictly necessary in order for the website to work.
These are cookies essential to browsing the site (for example session identifiers) that allow the user to use the main features of the site and to protect his/her internet connection. Without these cookies, using the site normally is not possible.

Cookies that facilitate browsing
These cookies help to browse the site. For example, they help the site to remember information on the preferred language.

Third-party cookies
This website uses the following third-party cookies. For more information on the use of cookies in Google Analytics, please consult the official documents provided by Google by clicking this link:

How can I disable cookies?
Most browsers accept cookies automatically; however, you could decide to block them. A user not wanting the computer to receive and store cookies, can alter the browser security settings (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc.). There are various methods for managing cookies and other tracking technologies. By altering the browser settings, it shall be possible to accept or refuse cookies or choose to receive a notice before accepting a cookie sent by the Websites accessed. It is also possible to delete all cookies stored in your browser’s cookie cache.
Every browser has different procedures for managing the settings.

Click any of the links below to get specific information:

Microsoft Internet Explorer
Click the “Instruments” tab in upper right hand corner and select “Internet options”. Select “Privacy” in the pop-up window. From here you can manage your cookie settings or via the link

Google Chrome
Click the spanner in the upper right hand corner and select “Settings”. Then click on “Show advanced settings” (“Under the hood”) and change the “Privacy” settings. From here you can manage your cookie settings or via the link

Mozilla Firefox
From the drop down menu in the upper left hand corner select “Options”. Select “Privacy’ in the pop-up window. From here you can manage your cookie settings or via the link

Apple Safari
Select “Preferences” from the settings drop down menu in the upper right hand corner. Click on “Security”. From here you can manage your cookie settings or via the link

If none of the above-indicated browsers are used, select “cookie” in the relative help section to discover where to find the cookie directory.

Cookie Google Analytics
To deactivate analytic cookies and prevent Google Analytics from collecting navigation data, download the browser add-on for deactivation of Google Analytics:

Update date: 29/05/2016